Assignment: write 3 words that define me metaphorically, then write a short paragraph with those words without using the verb 'to be'.
3 words:
The Alchemist struggles with her sad fate. Forever fascinated with death, with the Elixir that perhaps may never exist save in my imagination, forever roaming the deserts of the Living World that remain yet a mystery to me. Why do we live? And how does Death come to us, like a stealthy cat with its talons hidden? Questions that I ask myself, that I have asked myself since I could think, that I have been asking myself since the death of my grandfather and of a friend's friend.
In the meantime I hunt; I hunt not beasts, but beats. Music works as my salvation in a world I have yet to understand, an outlet for my confused feelings, perhaps. Whenever I hear a piece that pleases me, I immediately ask for its title and artist, then hunt it down over the vast plain called the Internet.
But ulitmately, a lost child constitutes my identity. They call her Alice, a child lost in reveries and an unfamiliar universe that does not know her, as she does not know it. Still a child, they say; she's yet to grow up; they cannot see, however, that she grows up in her own way--with her rabbit clutched tightly in her arms, she discovers, wonders, seeks.
What a striking image: a taloned cat! The world won't see much of Alice, the Alchemist, even if she opens her clutched arms fanged against the moon. Hence, agreeing with George Elliot, I'd say "it's never too late to be what you might have been."
답글삭제Beats not beasts - nice play on words. Be nice to your rabbit!